Expertise of tangible assets

The GALTIER Valorem expertise office is RICS certified.
Its experts provide high quality services to meet your needs in the context of mergers and acquisitions, credits, reorganization of assets, sale and lease back, partial contribution of assets …

The fair value, market and liquidation reports scrupulously respect the quality criteria issued by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

They will therefore enable you to face the various challenges encountered in your business life.

Contact us

Are your tangible assets and operating loss well insured? How can you not be "over" or "under" insured?

In the event of a claim, the experts must take into account the insured capital to determine the compensation due to the insured.

Example: Your building is worth 200 but you have insured 100 percent of it. A loss occurs. The experts estimate the damage to be 50. A proportional rule is applied and your compensation is reduced to 25 (insured capital/insured capital X damage).

The best solution is to entrust this preliminary estimate to Expertises GALTIER Valorem, a professional who engages its responsibility. This is the only way to be sure to pay the right premium and to be properly compensated in case of a claim.

Galtier Expertises sa is a 'Regulated RICS' company, which means that Galtier Expertises sa

  • practices that conform to internationally recognized standards
  • behaves ethically and acts with integrity and honesty
  • has the skills and competencies required to do the job
  • manages conflicts of interest transparently
  • Fairly manages complaints and disputes