is a globally recognized professional body that promotes and applies the highest international standards in the valuation, management and development of land, property, construction and infrastructure.

RICS provides a single international standard that will support a secure and dynamic market in land, property, construction and infrastructure for the benefit of all.

Professionals who hold RICS qualifications may use the following designations after their name: AssocRICS (Associate), MRICS (Member), FRICS (Fellow). Those with the MRICS or FRICS designation are also referred to as Chartered Surveyors.

Registered surveyor

The Assessor Registration System is a quality assurance mechanism that monitors all registered RICS members who carry out assessments under the RICS Red Book Assessment Standards to ensure consistent standards. Within GALTIER Expertises nv, Pol Duchêne (MRICS) and Hendrik Roos (MRICS) are RICS Registered Valuers.  

Regulated by RICS

GALTIER Expertises SA is a “RICS Regulated” company which means

  • practices in line with internationally recognized standards
  • conducts itself ethically and acts with integrity and honesty
  • has the skills and expertise required to do the work
  • manages conflicts of interest in a transparent manner
  • manages complaints and disputes with fairness